Walking through the Fire

Pay it Forward

When you do something nice for someone ask them to "Pay it Forward" and keep the chain of doing something nice going.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hitting bottom

There will be those times when I hit bottom. It works out alright in the end though. I can look up and see the rungs of the ladder I was on. I say to myself "Yes that rung way up there about half way up. I dust off my backside and start climbing again. Thankful for friends who know when to be there and when I need to get up on my own. It makes me angry sometimes. Yet I know I have to stand on my own two feet. No leaning and being a drama queen. I read about my conversion disorder lastnight online. I read that with all my complications it may be years before I heal. I read 82% of adults have to quit work due to their symptoms. Well I'm looking to be the % that makes it. I had to come to grips AGAIN that the traumas that brought me to this point took a life time to become what they are. It may take the rest of my life time to heal. I get to feeling tired of the fight and at times have wanted to give up. Then I look up that ladder and reach for what can be mine if I just keep reaching. No matter what else life throws my way there is always up.

Going threw Hell

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