Walking through the Fire

Pay it Forward

When you do something nice for someone ask them to "Pay it Forward" and keep the chain of doing something nice going.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

She suvived I survived

She suvived I survived. I have to let her go though. I can't take her under my wing. My wings are still just down. I can hop from place to place. I can stand at the edge of the field and catch people. I can't change how they got so close to the cliff. I just climbed up that Cliff. My hands are still scarred and scratched. Scabs are healing. Yet new enough still to fall off and bleed fresh when I catch someone. I look down at my body and see the scars and the cuts. I feel the blood fresh and new. I smile and am thankful I can feel the pain for it means I am still alive. No new cuts or scrapes. I don't dwell on what caused them. I am happy I did not knock off more scabs. I am happy I did not go over the cliff again as I caught someone. I hope I don't have any more coming close for a long time.

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